DILD Technique
The dream induced lucid dream better known as the DILD Technique is when you realise that you are dreaming in the middle of a normal dream. This is my personal favourite as it requires no going out of your way, and it has been the most successful for me. There is no step by step for the DILD Technique, but there are things that will increase the likelyness of becoming lucid.
DILD Technique
- Question Reality – always ask yourself is this real? even when you wake up you could be dreamming so ask yourself is this a dream?
- Dream ques – we have ques that help us become lucid, always keep an eye out for these e.g. blurry enviroment, oddities like things being out of place.
WBTB Technique
The wake back to bed method better known as WBTB is known to be the easiest way to enter a lucid state. Research has shown a 60% success rate with this method, this is because it is designed to take advantage of your sleep cycles and is used when REM sleep is more abundent.
WBTB Technique
- Sleep – once you become tired go to sleep as usual, try not to force yourself to sleep, just go as you normally would.
- Wake – around 5 hours later wake up using an alarm, go away and do something for an hour, I am told it is better to do something lucid dream related, like reading or just thinking about it.
- Back To Sleep – go back to bed whilst using the WILD Technique.
WILD Technique
A wake initiated lucid dream better known as the WILD technique is similar to the MILD technique, but it attempts to fall asleep whilst staying aware, instead of concentrating on falling back into a dream. This method is also more successful in the early hours of the morning as you are more likely to skip the deep stages of sleep.
Wild Technique
- Relaxation – completely relax your body whilst being completely aware of this in your mind, this will help you enter sleep paralysis.
- Stay Calm – people claim to feel falling, shocking, tingling and other scary sensations whilst attempting this technique, so stay calm theres nothing wrong with this, but it will take you a couple of attempts before you learn to stay calm.
- Success – you should fall into a dream but be aware already that you are dreaming.
MILD Technique
The Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream, better known as the MILD is a simple self affirmation technique used to become lucid as you begin to dream. The MILD method for lucid dreaming was developed by a man named Stephen LaBerge who is also the founder of The Lucidity Institute. This technique is recommended for those who have just woken up from a dream and would like to go back, but the best time to carry out the technique is after around 5 hours of solid sleep when our sleep cycles consist of more REM sleep.
- Intention – intend to dream and become lucid, people often recommend mantras and repetition but I find that a conscious intent does the trick.
- Visualization – visualize being back in your dream, I find it easier to visualize being in a still dream, at least until I begin dreaming.
- Concentrate – do not stress yourself into doing the above, but try not to drift into any other thought, if your going to think about something, think about your dream.
- Success – you should fall asleep into a dream and become lucid, but things have a tendency to change slightly when revisiting an old dream e.g. night turns to day or vice versa.