Runes and Their Meanings: A Comprehensive Guide

Runes are an ancient writing system that was used by Germanic peoples in Europe from the 1st century AD until the Middle Ages. The word “rune” comes from the Old Norse word “rún,” which means “secret” or “mystery.” The runes were used for writing, divination, and magic, and each symbol had a specific meaning and significance.

The runic alphabet, also known as the Futhark, consists of 24 symbols, each with its own name and meaning. The meanings of the runes varied depending on the time period and the region in which they were used, but they generally represented concepts such as strength, protection, fertility, and prosperity. The runes were often used in conjunction with other symbols and rituals to cast spells, predict the future, and communicate with the gods.

Today, many people are interested in the runes and their meanings as a way to connect with their ancestral heritage and explore the mystical aspects of the world. Some people use the runes for divination or meditation, while others incorporate them into their spiritual practices or daily lives. Understanding the meanings of the runes can provide insight into the ancient wisdom and traditions of the Germanic peoples, and can also be a source of inspiration and guidance for modern seekers.

Origins of Runes

Runes are an ancient writing system that was used by various Germanic peoples from the 1st century AD until the Middle Ages. The word “rune” comes from the Old Norse word “rún,” which means “secret” or “mystery.”

The exact origins of the runic alphabet are unknown, but it is believed to have been developed by the Germanic tribes who lived in Scandinavia and northern Europe. The earliest runic inscriptions date back to the 1st century AD and were found in Denmark and Germany.

The runic alphabet evolved over time and was used for both writing and divination. The oldest known runic alphabet is the Elder Futhark, which consists of 24 letters. It was used by the Germanic tribes from the 2nd to the 8th centuries AD. The Younger Futhark, which consists of only 16 letters, was used from the 9th to the 11th centuries AD.

The runes were not just used for writing, but also for magical and divinatory purposes. Each rune had a specific meaning and was believed to have magical properties. The runes were often used for casting spells, healing, and protection.

The use of runes declined with the spread of Christianity in northern Europe. However, the runic alphabet continued to be used in some areas until the Middle Ages. Today, the runes are still used by some people for divination and magical purposes.

Understanding Runes

Runes are a set of ancient symbols that were used by the Norse people for writing, divination, and magic. The word “rune” comes from the Old Norse word “rún,” which means “secret” or “mystery.” The runes were believed to have magical properties and were used for various purposes, such as healing, protection, and communication with the gods.

There are several different types of runes, but the most commonly used are the Elder Futhark runes, which consist of 24 symbols. Each rune has a unique name, sound, and meaning. The meanings of the runes can vary depending on the context in which they are used, but there are some general interpretations that are widely accepted.

To understand the meaning of the runes, it is important to understand the symbolism behind each symbol. For example, the first rune, Fehu, represents wealth, abundance, and material possessions. This is because the symbol itself resembles a cow, which was a valuable source of wealth for the Norse people.

Another important aspect of understanding the runes is understanding their phonetic value. Each rune has a specific sound that is associated with it, and these sounds were believed to have magical properties. For example, the rune Hagalaz represents hailstones and has a sharp, staccato sound that is associated with the destructive power of a hailstorm.

In addition to their symbolic and phonetic meanings, the runes were also used for divination. This involved casting the runes and interpreting their meaning based on their position and the other runes that were cast with them. This practice is still used today by those who believe in the power of the runes.

Overall, understanding the runes requires an understanding of their symbolism, phonetic value, and historical context. While the exact meanings of the runes may vary depending on the individual interpretation, they remain an important part of Norse mythology and culture.

Elder Futhark Runes

Elder Futhark is an ancient Germanic runic alphabet consisting of 24 letters or runes. Each rune has a unique meaning and significance. The Elder Futhark runes are divided into three groups or aetts, each having eight runes.


Fehu is the first rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents wealth, prosperity, and abundance. It can also signify the beginning of a new venture or project.


Uruz is the second rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents strength, vitality, and health. It can also signify the manifestation of one’s desires.


Thurisaz is the third rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents protection, defense, and conflict. It can also signify the need for caution and awareness.


Ansuz is the fourth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents communication, wisdom, and inspiration. It can also signify the need for guidance and understanding.


Raidho is the fifth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents journeys, travel, and progress. It can also signify the need for direction and purpose.


Kenaz is the sixth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents creativity, transformation, and illumination. It can also signify the need for innovation and change.


Gebo is the seventh rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents partnership, generosity, and balance. It can also signify the need for reciprocity and harmony.


Wunjo is the eighth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents joy, happiness, and contentment. It can also signify the need for celebration and gratitude.


Hagalaz is the ninth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents disruption, chaos, and change. It can also signify the need for adaptation and resilience.


Nauthiz is the tenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents need, constraint, and resistance. It can also signify the need for self-discipline and perseverance.


Isa is the eleventh rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents stillness, waiting, and patience. It can also signify the need for reflection and contemplation.


Jera is the twelfth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents harvest, growth, and abundance. It can also signify the need for hard work and dedication.


Eihwaz is the thirteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents defense, stability, and endurance. It can also signify the need for protection and resilience.


Perthro is the fourteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents fate, chance, and uncertainty. It can also signify the need for intuition and trust.


Algiz is the fifteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents protection, defense, and connection. It can also signify the need for spiritual awareness and guidance.


Sowulo is the sixteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents light, energy, and success. It can also signify the need for clarity and focus.


Tiwaz is the seventeenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents justice, honor, and courage. It can also signify the need for truth and fairness.


Berkano is the eighteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents growth, fertility, and nurturing. It can also signify the need for care and compassion.


Ehwaz is the nineteenth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents movement, partnership, and trust. It can also signify the need for cooperation and teamwork.


Mannaz is the twentieth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents humanity, community, and intelligence. It can also signify the need for social interaction and learning.


Laguz is the twenty-first rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents water, emotions, and intuition. It can also signify the need for adaptability and flexibility.


Ingwaz is the twenty-second rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents fertility, growth, and potential. It can also signify the need for creativity and imagination.


Dagaz is the twenty-third rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents transformation, enlightenment, and new beginnings. It can also signify the need for positivity and hope.


Othala is the twenty-fourth rune of the Elder Futhark. It represents inheritance, tradition, and legacy. It can also signify the need for

Anglo-Saxon Runes

Anglo-Saxon runes were used by the early Anglo-Saxons as a writing system. The characters are collectively known as the futhorc, which was a development from the 24-character Elder Futhark. The futhorc consists of between 26 and 33 letters, and it is thought that they were used to write Old English / Anglo-Saxon and Old Frisian from about the 5th century AD.


Ac is a rune that symbolizes great potential power and is a rune of great usefulness. It channels the power of strong, continuous growth from small beginnings to a powerful and mighty climax.


Aesc is a God rune, and it is associated with the ash tree. It symbolizes the power of growth and rebirth, as well as the ability to withstand the challenges of life. This rune is also associated with the god Odin, who hung himself from the world tree, Yggdrasil, for nine days and nights to gain knowledge and wisdom.


Yr is a rune that represents the yew tree, which was considered sacred by the ancient Germanic peoples. It symbolizes death and regeneration, and it is associated with the goddess Hel, who ruled over the realm of the dead.


Ior is a rune that represents the yew bow, and it is associated with the god Ullr, who was a skilled archer and hunter. This rune symbolizes skill, precision, and accuracy, and it is often used in divination to indicate success in hunting or other endeavors.


Ear is a rune that represents the earth, and it is associated with the goddess Erda, who was the mother of all life. This rune symbolizes fertility, growth, and abundance, and it is often used in fertility magic and spells to promote growth and prosperity.


Cweorth is a rune that represents the fire, and it is associated with the god Loki, who was known as a trickster and a shape-shifter. This rune symbolizes transformation, change, and the power of the will to shape reality. It is often used in spells and rituals to promote change and transformation in one’s life.

Modern Usage of Runes

In modern times, runes have gained popularity as a tool for divination and self-discovery. Many people use runes as a way to tap into their intuition and gain insight into their lives.

Today, runes are often used similarly to Tarot cards or Oracle cards. They can be used for meditation, self-reflection, and to gain clarity on a particular situation or question.

There are many different ways to use runes for divination. Some people prefer to draw a single rune from a bag or set of runes, while others prefer to lay out a spread of multiple runes. Each rune has its own meaning, and the position of the rune within the spread can also influence its interpretation.

In addition to divination, runes are also used in modern paganism and neopaganism. Many people use runes in their rituals and spells, believing that the symbols hold magical power and can be used to manifest their desires.

Overall, the modern usage of runes is a testament to their enduring power and significance. Whether used for divination, meditation, or magic, runes continue to offer a valuable tool for those seeking insight and connection with the spiritual world.

Interpreting Runes in Divination

Interpreting runes in divination is an ancient practice that involves using runic symbols to gain insight into the past, present, or future. The interpretation of runes is based on the belief that each rune represents a particular concept or idea, and that the combination of runes can provide a message or answer to a specific question.

To interpret runes in divination, the reader must first choose a set of runes and familiarize themselves with the meanings of each rune. There are several different types of runes, including the Elder Futhark, Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, and Younger Futhark, each with its own set of symbols and meanings.

Once the reader has chosen a set of runes, they can begin the process of divination by drawing a single rune or a series of runes from a bag or other container. The reader then interprets the meaning of the runes based on their position and their relationship to one another.

Some common methods of interpreting runes in divination include:

  • Single Rune Reading: In this method, the reader draws a single rune and interprets its meaning based on its position and the question being asked.
  • Three Rune Reading: In this method, the reader draws three runes and interprets their meanings based on their position and their relationship to one another. The first rune represents the past, the second represents the present, and the third represents the future.
  • Casting Runes: In this method, the reader casts a set of runes onto a cloth or other surface and interprets their meanings based on their position and their relationship to one another.

Interpreting runes in divination requires practice and patience, as well as a deep understanding of the meanings of each rune. With time and experience, the reader can develop a deeper connection to the runes and gain greater insight into the mysteries of the universe.

Ethical Considerations in Rune Reading

When it comes to rune reading, it is important to consider ethical considerations. Runes are powerful tools that can provide guidance and insight, but they should be used with care and respect. Here are some ethical considerations to keep in mind when using runes:

1. Respect the Runes

The runes are not just symbols, they are powerful entities with their own energy and spirit. It is important to show respect to the runes and treat them with care. This means taking the time to learn about each rune and its meaning, and using them only for their intended purpose.

2. Seek Consent

Before conducting a rune reading for someone else, it is important to seek their consent. Runes can reveal deep truths and personal information, and it is important to respect someone’s privacy and boundaries. If someone is not comfortable with a rune reading, it is important to honor their wishes.

3. Practice Non-Judgment

As a rune reader, it is important to practice non-judgment. The runes can reveal both positive and negative aspects of a person’s life, and it is important to approach each reading with an open mind and without judgment. It is not the place of the rune reader to criticize or judge someone based on the information revealed in a reading.

4. Maintain Confidentiality

Rune readings can reveal personal and private information, and it is important to maintain confidentiality. The information revealed in a reading should be kept confidential and not shared with others without the person’s consent.

5. Use the Runes for Good

Finally, it is important to use the runes for good. The runes are powerful tools that can be used to help people gain insight and guidance in their lives. As a rune reader, it is important to use the runes with the intention of helping others and promoting positivity and growth.

By keeping these ethical considerations in mind, rune readers can use the runes with care and respect, and provide meaningful guidance and insight to those seeking it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the name of the Viking alphabet?

The Viking alphabet is called the “Futhark”. It is made up of 24 letters, also known as “runes”, and was used by the Vikings for both writing and divination purposes.

What is the meaning of the Fehu rune?

The Fehu rune is the first rune in the Futhark alphabet and represents wealth, abundance, and material possessions. It is often associated with financial success and can be used in money spells or for manifesting prosperity.

What are the meanings of the Elder Futhark runes?

The Elder Futhark is the oldest version of the runic alphabet and consists of 24 runes. Each rune has a specific meaning and can be used for divination or magical purposes. Some common meanings include protection (Algiz), transformation (Hagalaz), and communication (Ansuz).

What are the Celtic Rune meanings?

The Celts did not have a runic alphabet of their own, but they did use Ogham, a system of writing made up of lines and notches. Ogham can be used for divination and has a set of meanings associated with each symbol. Some common meanings include love (Ailm), protection (Coll), and strength (Luis).

What is the meaning of the Jera rune?

The Jera rune represents harvest, reward, and completion. It is often associated with the cyclical nature of life and can be used in spells for abundance, success, and fertility.

How do I find my birth rune?

To find your birth rune, you can use your birthdate to calculate your numerological life path number. Once you have your life path number, you can use a chart to find the corresponding rune. Alternatively, you can meditate on the runes and ask for guidance to reveal your birth rune to you.

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